To Begin Again……..Again

Last year I finally finished my novel, “Moment of Truth”.  It has taken me over a year to complete but to see the words “The End” typed on the page made it worth it.  The story was told and I could begin to work on a new story.  Unleash a new cast of characters that live in my head.   (I am having fun doing the “Story Soundtrack” series.)

But my editing has been slow to non-existent.  What is going on?  Why can’t I harness the same level of excitement for this part of the project?  I’ve been questioning the characters motivation, questioning the point of view, questioning if I had the nerves or the guts to see this through to the end.  My problem is that I see this big project, this major dream that I have and I want to do everything so I end up doing nothing.  As the saying goes, what’s the best way to eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

I am going to see this through to the end.  I am going to publish my book one way or the other.  It only starts with putting words on the damn page.

What I’m listening to:  “Otis”  Kayne West & Jay-Z

What I’m reading: “Hunting in Harlem” – Mat Johnson
